
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water Review

All aboard the hype train express- destination Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water Review.  ...

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25 Random Questions Tag

It's been a while since I did a tag post and I've had this one sitting in my inventory of post ideas for a while now so I thought it might be fun to do. Tonight I'll be knuckling down and taking photos for blog posts and scheduling them- but until then I hope you forgive me for my 'laziness' and enjoy this...

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7 reasons to consider a week without Makeup

To many of us, make up is just another part of every day life. We make time in our days to apply and remove it, plan ahead as to what look we want to achieve, match it to our outfits and spend more money on it then we probably should. It has the ability to make us feel comfortable and confident, to look...

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My 'go to' lip combination

I wish I was one of those brave people who could rock bright red or berry lipstick everyday but as it turns out, I'm not as bold and brave in my every day life as some others are. And whilst I do tend to lean towards a nude lip for everyday life, I do prefer a pop of colour of my lips, even...

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