
australis Velourlips Matte Lip Cream- Review & Swatches //Hon-O-Loo-Loo, Ho-Chee-Min, Mi-A-Mee & Doo-Bai


Ever since australis came out with the Velourlips lip creams I have been all about that matte. I have done a review here on the Hon-O-Loo-Loo lip cream, however I don't think I gave this product enough credit. So, without further ado, here is my updated review on the australis Velourlips lip creams- with swatches of Hon-O-Loo-Loo, Ho-Chee-Min, Mi-A-Mee & Doo-Bai.

(left to right- Hon-O-Loo-Loo, Ho-Chee-Min, Mi-A-Mee & Doo-Bai)

In my last review, I mentioned that I found the smell to be an odd fruity scent and I have finally figured out what it smells like. Grape bubblegum. Now I know so many people love this scent, but personally I'm not a huge fan of the sugary, sweet grape scent, although I don't find the smell repulsive, I'm just not excited about it.

The formula is absolutely remarkable. The product is smooth and glides onto the lips effortlessly, applying as a malleable cream and drying to a beautiful matte finish. If you have dry lips or are worried about the product either cracking or drying out your lips I suggest using a chap stick before application, or using a lip gloss over the top to create a 'lock' for the colour. This will give you more of a lip stain finish rather than matte.

As for wear, I honestly haven't found anything better. This stuff has lasted me through hot days even after my foundation has begun to melt off my face, through lunch and through a night of drinking. Whilst the colour does fade a bit, I haven't felt the need to have to touch it up very often. Keep this in mind for removing it though, as it does take a little bit of extra effort. I have found that the lighter colours fade quicker, but I don't feel like it makes much of a difference.

I think the only thing I have to dislike about the product is that my lips can feel a bit sore after scrubbing the colour from my lips. Nothing a little paw paw ointment can't fix! Unfortunately I only own four of these beauties, but I am keenly awaiting getting my hot little hands on the whole collection. When I do, you can be sure there will be a post full of swatches!

(left to right- Hon-O-Loo-Loo, Ho-Chee-Min, Mi-A-Mee & Doo-Bai)
Which is your favorite?
Until next time..


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