
Lush Ayesha Fresh Face Mask Review


Following the stress of finding a house, packing and all the added extras when it comes to getting a new job, I've found myself reaching out to face masks to give my skin (and self) a little pick me up. One of the ones I've found myself reaching for is the Ayesha Fresh Face Mask from Lush.

I'm not going to lie, I was VERY unsure as to whether I would every try this mask as I could not stand the scent the first time I smelt it. The silliest thing is, I don't even know what it smells like. Whilst it smells almost woody, I wouldn't describe it as woody. All I can say is I found the smell quite over-powering and it made me think twice about my purchase.

Set I wouldn't put something that smelt this way on my face, I palmed it off to my boyfriend. After a few uses and seeing how soft his skin was after use, I decided to cave in and give this mask a go and, now that I have used it, I've got accustomed to the smell.

As this is one of the masks you need to keep chilled, naturally the mixture is quite cool on the skin when applying it. The formula is rather smooth, with a few 'grainy' chucks in it. Application is smooth and easy, with a greenish brown colour. 

Lush advertise this product as:
Spell binding ingredients to smooth away wrinkles. Lasts long enough for a magical evening. Tightening, absorbent clays, deeply effective asparagus, vitamin rich fresh kiwi, bewitching elderflower and witchazel, leaves the skin radiant relaxed and refreshed. 
My verdict?
Whilst this didn't give me the temporary 'face lift' I did feel my skin was clean and firm. My cheeks felt amazing and it gave my skin a gorgeous after glow. 
Even though I think this would work best on the older woman (or man), I do think this has benefits for younger skin. I wonder if you used this often it would help delay the onset of wrinkles? 

Whilst I probably wont be purchasing this mask again for a little while as I feel I have masks that better suit my current skin type, I would definitely recommend everyone to try this mask at least once! Great for skin that needs a little pick me up, I can happily suggest this to every skin type, from young and youthful, elderly, oily and dry. 

Have you tried this face mask?
Until next time...


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