
Silicon Blender - REVIEW


I try to avoid things that I think I will down right hate - and even when I do stumble across a product that I do not love, I try to brand it with less harsh and strong words. But unfortunately this product is not one of those and I do genuinely hate this product after this first impression.

To be fair, this is an aftermarket product and certainly not the one that has been circulated throughout social media, or so I believe, and this is my first time using it, with little instruction and/or recommendations on how to actually use this thing. But as a foundation applicator, you wouldn't think it would be that hard to figure out, would you? Well apparently for me, it was.

I couldn't for the life of me get the sponge to properly get into all the creases of my face (like the sides of my nose), or around my nose ring (which, I know I should probably remove when applying makeup anyway, but trust me, if I take this thing out, there are very little chances of me being coordinated enough to get it back in). And buffing out all the streaks and gaps left during application took so long I ended up bailing on the silicon sponge all together and finishing off with my trusty ol' beauty blender anyway.

This silicon sponge cost me $3.50 from Cheap and Chips, however there are certainly plenty of places online that you can get you hands on one if you wanted to. Would I purchase this sponge again? No. Should I try the original one circulating around social media? Probably. Probably should have tried that one first and then tried to find a good dupe.

Have you tried the silicone sponge? Leave your review links below! I'd love to see what your thoughts are!

Until next time... 

xx Elise 

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