
Lush Cupcake Face Mask - REVIEW

Fellow Lushies and Lushies-to-be, today I decided to do a review on one of Lushes most famous face masks- the Cupcake face mask. I know, I know- I promised this review a while ago, but I have finally got around to it! ...

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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I know I promised on Instagram that my next post would be my Lush cupcake face mask review, but I was tagged by the amazing Liv Cole from LivColey to do this tag so I thought I'd answer her questions before I upload my next review. I suggest taking the time to check out Livs blog, you can read her answers to this...

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My mini 'pamper' evening after a stressful day

I love a good bath and a nice bit of relaxation, however after a long day at work with things to be done I don't always get the time to really and truly pamper myself. However there are a few things I do and product I use to help myself wind down. ...

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A spoonful of Motivation- 10 Reasons to smile!

Holidays are ending, we're having to go back to work, school and Uni. We're bummed because we've already broken our new years resolution and the bills are needing to be paid. Your cat no longer wants to spend time with you and you spilled your coffee this morning. There are so many things that can drag us down, but what about those things...

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Liebster Award round 2!

Today I jumped online to write up a few reviews for you guys when I found I had a notification from Chelle from Destination 22 letting me know she had nominated me to do the Liebseter Award. I have been tagged in this before (you can find my first one here) and feel extremely honored to be tagged again- so thank you Chelle!...

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When she dances- Black/Silver FOTD

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e.l.f Long-Lasting Lustrous Eyeshadow Review

It's been a while since I've sat down with a product and mulled over my overall thoughts and, since I'm on holidays, I've decided to do just that.  ...

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Photo Fun

Recently I've been having loads of fun getting back to my old roots and playing around in Photoshop. So today I thought I'd share with you some of my 'work' from the past few months. Be warned, this is a picture heavy post. I do hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! ...

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