
Halloween Idea - Scarred Clown

Products Used: australis The Original Primer  Girlee cosmetics Corrective Tones - Green shade  Fifth Avenue Liquid Foundation in Fair (Purchased at Kmart) Fun World Zombie Flesh Scar - Home made using petroleum jelly, baby powder and foundation Models prefer day to night shadows palette - shade Night Time Maybelline Master Graphic Liner  Unknown brand - Waterproof Black Eyeliner Rimmel Glam'eyes Liquid Liner in Black Glamour...

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#GiveMeFive - Knowledge I'm grateful for

Recently I received easily the best gift in the world - the Top Five Movement Question Cards. Haven't heard of them? That's okay! They've only just been released, and honestly they couldn't be more perfect. What are they? Well, to quote the ..blurb (I don't actually know the proper name) on the (ADORABLE) packaging - "A tool for happiness that fits into your...

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My thoughts on // BODY IMAGE

Right through my teenage years and into adulthood, I have always been considered the 'thin' or 'skinny' friend. I cannot count the amount of times someone has told me to 'start eating' or 'eat more' because they considered me to be 'too thin' and 'unnatural'. But the truth is, I am natural. From my untamed hair, the size of my waist, the acne...

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15 Weird Questions Tag

Life has been so hectic lately, I've completely gotten myself lost in all the insanity that adulthood provides! That being said, I really want to get back into my old blogging habits, and why not start off with a good old fashioned Tag post. I promise, there will be proper content soon - working hard on setting myself up with a proper routine!...

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6 Ways to lead a Positive Life

Positivity isn't exactly something that comes naturally. We are all prone to have bad days, to feel down and reflect negatively on ourselves and our lives. Sometimes we fail to remember that just because we've had a bad day, that it doesn't mean we have a bad life. Below are 6 ways you can introduce positivity into your everyday life!  Positivity isn't exactly...

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Motivational Musings

It's been quite a while since I last made a post, and even longer since I posted anything Motivational. In fact, my last motivational post was A Guide to Motivation, posted in August of 2015. My how time flies! Since motivational and inspirational quotes and posts have helped me get through some tough life decisions recently (a post I may or may not decide to make...

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What I used - Light Plum Autumn FOTD

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Irresistible Me / 100% Human Hair Extensions - PRO'S & CON'S REVIEW **

Pro: Relatively fast shipping Great customer service Easy to dye & responds well to dye Clips are sturdy & stay in  Gorgeous length & volume Easy to comb through Can be styled and curled easily  Con:  Full set is quite heavy on the scalp Hair can be irritating if not used to length Not a lot of colour variations to choose from Takes a...

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Irresistible Me / 100% Human Hair Extensions - REVIEW **

I've been sitting on this post for a while now, simply because I wanted to give you all the most honest and detailed review that I could possibly give.  As someone who has had bad experiences with hair extensions before, I must admit I was a little worried about reviewing the irresistible me hair extensions. But despite my hesitation, I am glad I accepted the...

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2015 Favorites Tag

I can't believe 2016 is already upon us! Its been months since I last posted on here and with the welcoming on 2016, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to jump back on the blogging band wagon. With 2015 just passing, I thought it only fitting to share with you all my 2015 favorites through the 2015 favorites tag. ...

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