
Christmas Wallpapers

Christmas is fast approaching, so in celebration I found a few adorable wallpapers to match this festive time of year! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...

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Australis Mixologist Lip Palette

If you're anything like me, you cannot walk past a good looking lipstick, let alone a lip palette that looks this good! I picked this baby up from Priceline for just $24.95.  This kit includes 10 shades and a spatula and applicator so you can wear each shade on its own or mix to create your own custom shades. Stay tuned to see the lip...

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Silicon Blender - REVIEW

I try to avoid things that I think I will down right hate - and even when I do stumble across a product that I do not love, I try to brand it with less harsh and strong words. But unfortunately this product is not one of those and I do genuinely hate this product after this first impression. To be fair, this...

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PEACH - BYS Eyeshadow Palette

As many already know, I'm a huge fan of Kmart, so it's not surprising that I've found yet another thing to obsess over that I've purchased from my local store. This time, true to my make-up obsessive personality, I found an eyeshadow palette which (as my partner puts it) is completely me. Honestly, I'm not sure why I had not spotted this one...

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Power Playlist

Hello again everybody!! There isn't much I can really say to describe today's post so I'll keep it short and sweet. Below are 25 songs that are both playful and powerful to help you get through the week! 1. Pretty Girl - Maggie Lindermann 2. Fight Song - Rachel Platten 3. Little Me - Little Mix 4. Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld 5....

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8 Life Lessons I've Learnt

Hello lovely ladies and gentlemen!!! It's been a long time coming since I last posted to this blog of mine, and my oh my have things changed drastically! Life has this crazy tenancy to throw a million and one things at you and before you know it time has flown right out the window and you're left wondering where the heck the better...

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17 Positive Quotes to welcome 2017

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