
Being Lazy


Hello all!

So today's theme was 'lazy' and I must say I relate to this theme a LOT. Why? Because I'm always bumming around on the internet trying to kill time and procrastinate. So I thought it would be fitting to base this photo off my two favorite 'lazy' inducing things: my bed and my laptop.

I attempted to add a sort of grungy black and white effect to these series of photos as I wanted it to look a lot more rough and plain. Honestly, I'm not particularly keen on this set, so I've decided to sit down and highlight the areas in which I can improve. I really like the idea of this, I just don't think I achieved the final image I was going for. I guess I still have a lot of learning to do!
Let me know your thoughts and CC's below- maybe you can help me on my learning curve.
Tomorrows theme: Self portrait.

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