
FOTD- All 'Natural'

I decided to do another Face of the Day post for you guys on a look I've been wearing most days recently, using 'naked' toned colours. Products Used: ...

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TAG- You're It

I have been away for the longest time.. and I apologize profusely. I've been caught up reading Game of Thrones and playing the latest expansion of World of Warcraft with my boyfriend (don't judge), I've barely had time to sleep let alone think. So today, I thought I'd fill in my absence with a quick Tag I found. I think I found this...

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Motivational Monday- The Sun Will Come Out

*Image not mine. Sourced from Google Images.* 'The sun will come out, tomorrow. So you gotta hang on, 'till tomorrow. Come what may.' ...

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DragonBerry Lipstick Haul & Swatches

 Warning: This is a picture heavy post. Recently Dragonberry boutique had a 50% off cosmetic sale and, of course, I had to jump on it to try out their lipstick range. Each lipstick is retailed at $10 each (I paid a total of $30 for these babies!) ...

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Motivational Monday; Star Light, Star Bright

Whether its been a difficult day at work, school or experiencing family issues, everyone goes through a 'dark patch' in their lives at some stage. This 'dark patch' can cause you to feel down and depressed and can reap havoc on you physical and mental well being. No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, my message is to not give up on...

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Pretty in Pink; Garnier Moisture Match Goodbye Dry

 A little while ago I posted a Mini Beauty Haul and one of the products mentioned was my Garnier Moisture Match Goodbye Dry moisturizer (try saying that three times over). As promised, I will be reviewing each product mentioned in my haul so be sure to check out that post and let me know below what product you would like me to review...

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15 Random Questions Tag..

Hello my lovelies! This morning I woke up to a wonderful surprise- I have reached 50 followers on blogger! (thats not including all my lovely followers on bloglovin and google+, but I thought 50 followers on the one site was pretty awesome) I know to some this may not be a lot, but this is super exciting to me and I am so...

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Motivational Monday; Comfort Zone

Photo from Google Images I'm encouraging you all to do one of the hardest thing a person can do- to take a step out of your comfort zone. Why? Because stepping out of my comfort zone opened my eyes to a whole new world I just didn't see. ...

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australis Velourlips Matte Lip Cream; Hon-O-Loo-Loo review

It comes as no surprise to anyone that knows me that I am a HUGE fan of lip products. Naturally after hearing so much about the australis Velourlips Matte Lip Creams I HAD to get one. And I know, I'm a little bit late on the band wagon here, but I couldn't find any in store up until now. ...

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