
Motivational Monday; Comfort Zone


Photo from Google Images
I'm encouraging you all to do one of the hardest thing a person can do- to take a step out of your comfort zone. Why? Because stepping out of my comfort zone opened my eyes to a whole new world I just didn't see.

I've always been shy and lacked the confidence to do basically everything. I've worried too much on what people thought of me and how I would be judged and ridiculed and, even worse, I was terrified of failure. About half way through this year (2014), I decided I had had enough. Keeping to myself, doing the same thing over and over began to take its toll and I felt miserable. So I made the choice to take up blogging, to break the ice and to try something new. I'm glad I did.

Each comment and follow I received had boosted my self confidence. I got more and more excited to post and talk about my experience. I started talking to my boyfriend, my dad, step mum and best friend about blogging. I started socializing with people, asking questions and getting to know others. Stepping out of my comfort zone gave me confidence and happiness. This confidence led to me biting the bullet and going for my P plates (after far too long), it lead me to finding more friends and learning to say yes to new experiences.

Yes, your comfort zone can serve as some kind of protection, but life truly isn't lived until you step out of it. Enjoy what you have and love what you do. Let nothing hold you back from being and doing what you want to.
Until next time...


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