
Comic Book Character MOTD

I discovered a few things whilst doing this creative look. One is that I have an unbelievable and uncontrollable shake and the other is that I should probably use some sort of reference when I try to create a 'character' based look. Whilst I didn't have a specific character in mind, I wanted to create a comic book character look. ...

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Top 10 recently watched YouTube videos

I've been feeling so uninspired recently and every post I've written I've found some reason to end up hating it. I wanted to break my 'dry spell' though and so I thought I'd share 10 of my recently watched YouTube videos that I found either helpful or that I simply really liked. Enjoy the links! My SUNGLASSES COLLECTION | karissa pukas New Zealand-...

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Face Mask Sea Salt & Camellia Seed Oil Face Mask Review

I'm going to start this post by saying I really did TRY to like this product. Some things just aren't meant to be. ...

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FOTD // A taste of Coffee

What I used:  What I used:  ...

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Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacqure Review

Let it be known that almost every beauty junkie and their best friend has either seen, heard, tested or reviewed this product. A while back this was all that came up on my feed and now I'm jumping on the late band wagon to share with you my thoughts on this product. ...

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