
Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacqure Review


Let it be known that almost every beauty junkie and their best friend has either seen, heard, tested or reviewed this product. A while back this was all that came up on my feed and now I'm jumping on the late band wagon to share with you my thoughts on this product.

100 Phenomenon
101 Celestial
303 Apocaliptic
I know a lot of people dislike the smell of this product. I can absolutely see why, but in reality the smell is the typical scent of a drug store lip product. It is not appealing, but not bad enough to stop me using it. Besides, the scent only lasts a few seconds.

What drew me most to this product though was the unique edgy style packaging. My gosh do I love it.

Application of this product is literally seamless. There is almost no way you can stuff this one up. The product is silky smooth, glides on effortlessly and is in no way tacky or sticky. The colour pay off is phenomenal, and even though the colour doesn't last as long on me as it has for some others, they still stay on for a while. A bonus for the darker colours is they tint your lips so even if the colour fades, you'll still have a pop of colour anyway.

I know that the pigmentation of the darker colours may be too much for some, and if you do put too much on it does feel tacky and quite uncomfortable on the lips. To solve this, I suggest dabbing three dots on your lips and either using your finger or rub your lips together to smear/blend the colour over the rest of your lips. This will help give you more of a stain look and is a lot more comfortable to wear.

Whilst I admit that the Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacqures are not my favourite drug store lip products, they are definitely up there due to their colour pay off and their effortless application.

They come in at $15.95 a pop and come in 10 different colours and can be purchased from stores such as priceline and kmart.

Unfortuneately these are the only colours I have picked up thus far- but I'm hoping I can try more of the colour rage soon! I'll be sure to keep you all posted!

Have you tried these beauties? What are your thoughts? 
Until next time... 

xx Elise

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