
Zoella Beauty

(all photos from http://www.feelunique.com/) Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of Zoella. Out of the hundreds of youtubers and bloggers I watch and follow, Zoe Sugg is the only one that my boyfriend can recognize due to my constant obsession with her blog, tutorials and vlogs. She was the first person to get me excited about makeup and blogging,...

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*Shine Like a Diamond- Bad Luxe Boutique Review*

Before I get into my review, I'd just like to give you all a little heads up that I was kindly sent this item for review by Bad Luxe Boutique. I am not getting paid and all opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way. All future PR posts will be (just like this one) marked with the * symbol. I hold...

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Guest Blog?

Hello lovlies! I'm writing this post to appeal to all those out there interested in doing a collab/guest post with me. The idea is simple: We each write a blog with a short introduction of ourselves and about our chosen topic (for example, our favorite clothing store or product), send the post's to each other and the other person posts your blog post...

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Shanghai Suzy Spring-Summer 2014-15 Lipstick Collection

Photo from the Vegan Beauty website (link below) As the weather heats up, so does my excitement to try more bold and beautiful lipstick shades and brands. One brand that I'm dying to try is the Shanghai Suzy Spring-Summer 2014-15 Lipstick Collection.  This collection has 8 limited edition colours- made up of two 'nourish' lipsticks and six matte. At a cost of $12.95...

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What do you want from your Blogging experience?

(from Google Images) Like many others out there, I started blogging because- quite simply- I enjoyed it. And I still do. Its exciting to sit down and talk about a product or what you did in your day. Its exciting to get messages from bloggers and PR alike asking questions, sharing information. There is always something new to read or another person to...

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My Number 1 Must

As many of my readers know- I've been struggling with a few painful pimples on my lip line for the last few weeks. In this time, I've tried everything I could get my hands on to make them go away. Tea tree oil, lemon juice, cream and ice, just to name a few. Last week they started to split and scab (gross, I...

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My MAC Lipstick Wishlist

I'm going to admit that I have never tried any MAC product before. I've heard so many good things about them however, and I've had so many recommendations to try their lipsticks. I decided to check out their online store (which you can find here) and see what lipsticks I would try first. Here are my picks: ($36 each) (from left to right- Sushi...

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Lush Have It! Lush wishlist

I'm completely and utterly obsessed with lush. I've loved everything I've tried so far except for one soap because I simply didn't enjoy the scent. Unfourtuneatly, I haven't had the money to purchase some of their other products lately, so I've devised a small wishlist to show you what I would buy if I could right now. Please note that these pictures are...

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The Australian Tag

This post is massively belated- but I still thought it would be a little bit of fun to do so I'm going to do it any way. Also, I thought it would be a nice post to do whilst I get all my blog posts and photos in order. I tag everyone to do this tag, if you haven't already.Which state do you...

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A royal pain in the... lip?

I'm giving up on makeup. Not for a long period of time- just for a week or two until my skin clears up. As I've mentioned before- I've had a huge pimple appear on the edge of my lip. A few days ago I got super excited because it was finally almost completely gone. Much to my dismay, I woke up yesterday with...

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Beauty Haul #1

Hello all! One of my favorite things to read/watch are people haul blogs and videos and, since I've never done one, I though I might have a crack at doing one. These are a collection of things I've bought over the last month or so- I'll try to remember the cost of each one for you. I'll also be doing reviews on some...

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Seven Deadly Sins Of Beauty Tag

 I'll be completely honest here- I was not tagged to do this post (oops). I actually read this on another lovely bloggers page- Barbara's Life. You can find her post here. I highly recommend you check out her page as well. 1. GREED: What's your most expensive beauty item?Seeing as the majority of my makeup is bought from drugstores- I don't really pay...

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Hey, Hi, Hello!

I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much as I've wanted to- I've been a little tied up with work and trying to fit a gym schedule in amongst my already hectic day. But, with that apology aside, I wanted to do a quick post today to welcome my new followers. Whilst I know I haven't been blogging for long, and my followers...

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Help! I need somebody

You know when you've bought so many lip product goodies that you want to share with your fellow bloggers, but you can't until the pimple right on the edge of your lip goes away? Yup, that's been me for the last week and a bit.  Its. So. Frustrating.  I know I'm not the only girl in the world that has/has had this issue-...

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Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster award by the beautiful Melissy Goose. Thank you Melissy for nominating me! I was greatly surprised, and super confused to be nominated. I'm so happy that my blog is appreciated; and I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.  The Rules 1. Post 11 facts about you.2. Answer the 11 questions set...

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