
Help! I need somebody


You know when you've bought so many lip product goodies that you want to share with your fellow bloggers, but you can't until the pimple right on the edge of your lip goes away? Yup, that's been me for the last week and a bit. 
Its. So. Frustrating. 

I know I'm not the only girl in the world that has/has had this issue- so, in light of this situation, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you what you do for that one pimple break out?
Personally, I wash my face (usually) twice a day and use a night cream when I go to bed; however when I do get a pimple like the one on my lip (which I'd like to add is extremely painful) I also use the tea tree oil from the body shop right on top of the pimple. From what I've read, this is supposed to help get rid of it faster- but I'm not sure how long this thing usually takes to go away. I have had one other pimple like this in my life- which I squeezed- and it has left a lovely red scar on my lip.
What do you use/do to help these bad boys go away faster?
Until next time...


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