
Beauty Haul #1


Hello all!
One of my favorite things to read/watch are people haul blogs and videos and, since I've never done one, I though I might have a crack at doing one.
These are a collection of things I've bought over the last month or so- I'll try to remember the cost of each one for you. I'll also be doing reviews on some of things products at a later date. Enjoy!
 I'll start out with lip sticks/butters. I don't know why, but I've had the biggest obsession with getting and collecting lipsticks and butters. I got both the Color Whisper lip butters by Maybelline for $8 on the sale table at K-Mart in the shades Orange Attitude and Oh La Lilac. Also from K-Mart, I got three Rimmel London Lasting Finish Lipsticks in Candy, Sugar Plum and Coffee Shimmer. I'm not sure why I got the coffee shimmer shade.. but none the less, it's one to add to the collection. Each of these were around $10. Lastly, I ordered two of the Lime Crime lipsticks in Geradium and Centrifuchsia online from Showpo for $23 each. I cannot wait to review these for you guys!

Next I got the Rimmel London Wake Me Up concealer in Ivory. I've heard good and bad things about this product, but so far I've been liking it.
Adding to my already excessive collection of Rimmel London products, I also picked up the lasting Finish Soft Colour Blush in 120 Pink Rose. Again, not sure why but I just wanted it. I also got the Maybelline Baby Lips lip balm in anti-oxidant berry because my lips are always dry. This has the most amazing scent I've ever experienced.
 Moving on to jewelry, I must say this doesn't happen very often. I'm not the biggest fan of wearing jewelry, but this opalish (not sure what its called) and Aztec style necklace caught my eye in Glammazon Accessories and I fell in love instantly. The ring was around $13 and the necklace was around $20.
 I'm going to skin over the oil for now- as I'll be addressing it in a not too distant post- and move onto the nail polish. I rarely wear polish as I have short, yucky nails and a tendency to peel it all off anyway, but I saw these in K-mart and liked the colours. The first one I got was from Sinful Colours in the shade Hazard (952) for around $4, and the second was the Rimmel London 60 seconds in the shade 873 Breakfast in Bed.
I was given this candle by my mum, but I wanted to add this in as I thought it had such a beautiful festival scent and I adore my candles. The candle is made by Madison & French in the scent Apple Cinnamon. Yum!!
Lastly I got the Killer Queen perfume by Katy Perry. I'm not sure why seeing as I rarely wear perfume- but it's a product to start a collection off.

That is all I have to show you for now; I hope you enjoyed reading this post.
What have you recently bought that you are loving?
Until next time...


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