
What do you want from your Blogging experience?


(from Google Images)
Like many others out there, I started blogging because- quite simply- I enjoyed it. And I still do. Its exciting to sit down and talk about a product or what you did in your day. Its exciting to get messages from bloggers and PR alike asking questions, sharing information. There is always something new to read or another person to follow. But why is this so fun? What do I want to get out of my blogging experience?

First and foremost, I want to be approachable. I want my followers to feel free to ask me questions, new bloggers to ask for help and PR companies to find me approachable and worthwhile.
Do you need blog post ideas? Do you want to do a collaboration or guest post series? Do you want me to review a product (whether your a PR or not)? Do you need advice on something, or simply want to have a genuine chat with someone with similar interests to you?

If you answered yes to any of these- feel free to contact me via the contact form to the right or directly email elise-morrison@hotmail.com or simply comment on any blog post. I read every comment and reply to everything (that isn't spam of course).

Now I pose the question- What do YOU want to get out of your blogging experience?
Until next time...


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