
The Versatile Blogger Award


I absolutely love tag posts. Getting to know other bloggers and finding new blogs to follow are one of my favorite past times, which is why I was absolutely thrilled when I saw I was tagged by Bee over at Over the Bridge. I give Bee a HUGE shout out, her blog is so cute and she is absolutely stunning. Thank you for tagging me int the Versatile Blogger Award! 

The rules: 

Thank the person(s) who nominated you 
Include a link to their blog
Select 10 bloggers to pass the award on to 
Tell the person(s) who tagged you 7 things about yourself

7 facts about me: 

1. My two favorite TV shows at the moment (which I'm currently all up to date on) are Orange is the new Black and The 100.
2. My two favorite games at the moment are survive the Ark and League of Legends. 
3. I turn 21 in December and I literally cannot wait.
4. I really want to do something bold and daring with my hair but I'm wayyy too chicken.
5. I'm obsessed with rose gold and copper.
6. I'm a nail biter. 
7. My favorite pizza is Hawaiian.

10 Bloggers I tag are: 

Bethany from Bethany Georgina
Katie from Katie Maree Beauty
Lainey from Lainey Loves Life
Anita from Pink Dynamite
Jenny from Krystel Couture
Verena from gleepface
Leah from Leah Talks
Natasha from xBeYOUtifulx
Courtney from Wonders of Dreams

I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know me a little better and I look forwards to reading your responses! Leave a link below to your nominated tag!
Until next time...

xx Elise 

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