
Hair&Me Hair Rejuvenation Treatment // First Impressions**


As a disclaimer before I get into this post, I was sent this Hair Rejuvenation Treatment from Hair&Me for reviewing purposes. I am not getting paid for reviewing this product and all opinions are that of my own. I hope you enjoy my review and that it helps at least one of you when making the all important decisions when caring for your hair.

I'm going to review this treatment in two sections - the first of which is a first impressions and the second (which will be posted in about a month) will be a full review including results.

100% oil based pre shampoo treatment designed to repair, moisture and strengthen your hair & scalp, encourage hair growth, cut your blow drying time and control frizziness.
100% organic, natural product, made right here in Australia. And, if that doesn't sound good enough, it is also cruelty free and vegan friendly.

The product takes between 1-6 uses to see change- the majority of people seeing a change between 3-6 uses.

Refrigerate product for approx 30 minutes before use. Apply to damp hair (use a spray bottle or wet under the sink), use a gold ball size amount of product, covering roots to ends. Leave for a minimum of 45 minutes. Rinse well then shampoo twice thoroughly an condition as normal.

This product has a beautiful nutty scent, which I found pairs perfectly with the scent of my current shampoo and conditioner, which smells like cocoa. This left my hair smelling like a nutty, chocolate slice for two days.
The product itself (once being refrigerated for 30mins- however if you're experiencing cooler weather I'd suggest halving the time) is a smooth, creamy texture with an off white appearance. Melting easily in your fingers, the product is easy to apply and massage into the scalp.
I started by applying the product about half way down my hair, making sure I had thoroughly covered my ends. I then massaged product into my scalp and down until I'd reached where I'd first put the product in.

Fast forward 45 minutes and I found the product relatively easy to wash out of my hair with two rinses of shampoo. I did however find I used a little more product to work into my scalp and roots as I didn't want to leave oils in my hair.
This time, I didn't bother drying my hair and left it to dry naturally like I usually do. I will however test the drying time in my product review!
The next morning I noticed my hair was easier to brush and my hair felt light and full. Generally speaking it felt amazingly clean and quite soft. As my hair is very thin I did find my hair was still fairly 'frizzy waves', although after using this product I'm more inclined to say it felt for fluffy than frizzy. This was easily tamed by a quick brush and straightening, although in all honestly I could just as easily get away with a quick salt spray for easy beachy waves look.

So far, I'm quite impressed. I love how easily my hair brushed out as it didn't knot up as badly as it does usually, and the smell is absolutely delicious. I'm hoping that over a few uses, this product helps tame my frizz and it will be interesting to see if this really does cut down on my hair drying time.
That being said, this is easily a product worth purchasing with the results I've seen so far. It's so nice not having to rip out my hair just to de-tangle it!

If you're interested in hearing my final review of this product, I will be posting a full review in about a months time.
If you would like to purchase this product you can here, or check out their Instagram page here.
I look forward to sharing my final thoughts with you all!
Until next time... 

xx Elise 

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